Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Case of "The Crud"

Where I come from...or at least the way I was raised...when you have that generally achy feeling (low-grade fever, sore throat, stuffy head, coughing, etc) that most folks refer to as a cold, what you have is "the crud".  Which is just a way of saying you feel cruddy for now, but you'll bounce back in a few days.

Well a case of the crud has jumped all over yours truly.  It started on Sunday...which, by the way, I had already determined would be my first day of running since the surgery.  First sign was the stuffy head I woke up with, followed soon after by the low-grade fever (there goes any running energy), and then the sore throat.  And holy smokes what a sore throat.  Every swallow felt like I was trying to get some barbed wire to go down.

Convinced it was more than the crud, I took Monday off from work and went to the doc for a strep and flu test.  Thankfully both came back negative.  Sigh of's only the crud.  Still, the crud SUCKS!  I've never slept so much and been so damn tired when I woke up.  

Now I've missed three days of work this week on top of the two I took off last week to be with my sick 4-year-old (my crud source).  So now I'm waaaaaaay behind at work, and feeling cruddy to boot.

If there is but one bright ray of light coming from this bout with the crud, it would have to be the stroke of inspiration to make a batch of homemade tomato soup.  Now I'm no culinary wizard, so I will give due credit.  Several months ago I was seeking a tomato soup recipe that produced a creamy soup, but without actually using cream.  You with me so far?  So a friend sent me the link below:

Give it a look...give it a try.  I will say this about the recipe.  While I LOVE it as is, I do find it somewhat bland.  So I add a generous splash of dried oregano, dried (or fresh) basil, and fresh ground black pepper.  For my taste buds, that really does the trick.  Make a grilled cheese for dipping, and you've got a party in your mouth.

Well I'm sorry I don't have a more exciting update for you today...but so it goes when a lazy blogger has the crud.  Hoping to be back to normal in the next day or two, and back to running this weekend.  

Until next time.  Be well.  

The Slow Man

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